Air Law

1. According to Article 5 of the Chicago Convention (1944), what rights do aircraft have when flying across a state's territory for non-scheduled international air services?

2. In the absence of ground signals, take-offs and landings should be conducted:

3. What is the rule when two aircraft of the same class are approaching head-on?

4. An aircraft must not fly in formation with other aircraft unless:

5. Which document contains information about airfields, airspace, restrictions, and procedures?

6. What do runway threshold markings identify?

7. A red letter 'L' displayed in the signals square indicates:

8. An aircraft landing or on final approach has right of way over which other aircraft?

9. What does Article 13 of the Chicago Convention (1944) specify regarding entry and clearance regulations for aircraft?

10. What is the meaning of a runway marked with the letter 'L' after the runway number (e.g., 24L)?

11. According to Article 36 of the Chicago Convention (1944), what must be done before using photographic apparatus on an aircraft flying over a state's territory?

12. According to Article 33 of the Chicago Convention (1944), what is the requirement for recognizing certificates and licenses issued by Contracting States?

13. When in flight, a steady red light signal from one aircraft to another means:

14. The large number '20' painted at the end of a runway indicates:

15. Ground markings showing a double cross (++) indicate:

16. What does the adage 'constant bearing = constant danger' refer to?


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